How to improve the life of conveyor belt

In recent years, as the demand for coal in European and American countries has dropped sharply, there is abundant rain in southern China this year, and all major hydropower stations are operating at full capacity. At the same time, energy conservation and emission reduction have become the top priority of enterprises and even the country. At the same time, the coal price has greatly affected the enthusiasm of the upstream enterprises to put into production, so it is particularly important to improve the recycling of resources within the enterprises. Far from taking the conveyor belt as an example, I believe it is not a small expense for every coal mining enterprise. Speaking of this, I would like to briefly talk about some problems related to improving the conveyor belt, and some problems related to increasing the number of years of the conveyor belt.

In what ways? The author summed up the following points, we might as well use for reference.

1. Improve the conveyor belt hopper. Improving conveyor belt hopper is one of the effective measures to prevent the early destruction of conveyor belt. The hopper at the transfer point of each belt conveyor is improved to increase its ability to pass foreign bodies by 2.5 times. Long and large foreign bodies are not easy to get stuck between the funnel wall and the conveyor belt in the process of conveying, so as to reduce the probability of foreign bodies tearing the conveyor belt.

The gap between the material guide apron at the hopper and the conveyor belt is increasing along the conveyor belt running direction, so as to solve the problem that coal and stone get stuck between the conveyor belt and the apron and eliminate the conveyor belt damage caused thereby. The hopper with large drop gap is equipped with buffer baffle to avoid direct impact of materials on the conveyor belt.

2. The scraping device is added to the reversing roller. A scraping device is installed at the direction changing roller along the conveyor belt to eliminate the material bonding problem at the direction changing roller and to solve the partial damage of the conveyor belt caused by the material sticking to the roller.

3. Improvement of conveyor head, tail and intermediate transfer transition. The transition length and transition mode of the conveyor head, tail and intermediate transfer place have great influence on the service life of the conveyor belt. A reasonable transition design should be carried out to minimize the wear on the adhesive surface of the conveyor belt, so as to ensure that there is no folding or bulging of the conveyor belt and no material leakage at the blanking place.

4. Belt roller of the conveyor at the concave transition. Practice has proved that the transverse strength of the steel rope conveyor belt is insufficient. When starting, the belt pressing wheel causes the belt to bear too much force locally, leading to the tearing of the conveyor belt. Changing the belt pressing wheel to the belt pressing roller can completely solve this problem.

Post time: May-11-2020